Friday, March 18, 2011

Homemade Ice Cream Cake

Adapted from Recipe from Patricia Palmer

We've used this recipe with various combinations of ice cream and it has always turned out great! This time we did Mint Chocolate Chip to go with our St. Pattie's Day was so yummy!


2 cups crushed Oreo cookies
1/2 cup butter
1/2 gallon ice cream
Whipped Cream or Cool Whip
Shell topping

Crush Oreo's in blender until it yields 2 cups. Add melted butter to crushed Oreo's. Mix well. Spread in bottom of 9X13 pan and put in freezer until hardened. Once hardened, put scoops of ice cream over cookie crust until ice cream is evenly distributed. Cover with whipped topping. Freeze until firm. Once firm, drizzle with shell topping.

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